Podcast Manager- A Specialized Niche

Are you looking for a way to make some extra money in your spare time? Podcast management is a great niche that can be done from home and on the go.

As the popularity of podcasting increases, so does the demand for high quality production.

Podcasting is a fast-growing industry with no clear path to success. The result? Many podcasters are left floundering in uncertainty and confusion. They struggle to find an experienced partner who can help them navigate their way through this new media frontier.

Many podcasters are struggling with the marketing part of this equation. They don’t know how to market their show effectively or build an audience that will support them long-term.

We provide training that helps you become the go-to person for all your clients’ podcast needs, including distribution and marketing support services that will help your clients get more listeners while growing their business at the same time! You'll be able to charge higher fees because you'll offer something unique - expertise in helping podcasters succeed! Our training program has been designed by podcast experts who have worked with one of the top podcast production companies and we'll teach you everything you need to know about marketing and distribution so that your client's podcast can reach its full potential! 

-What are podcasts?    -How do I find podcast clients?  -How much does it cost to start a podcast management company?  -What should my rates be?

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