Top Tips for Creating SEO-Optimized Images


When creating marketing materials for your podcast you’ll want to ensure that the images you select are SEO-optimized, or search engine optimized so that you are more likely to be found on Google. You want to rank high when people search for a podcast show you are a great match for.


So at Produce Your Podcast, when we produce graphics for marketing we have our favorite sites that we use regularly and when you start using them you’ll get used to them. You do need to make sure your graphics look professional. These useful graphics sites offer plenty of features that you can utilize to produce some great graphics. 



Unsplash is a great place to select photos for images. You can get a free account and you can support artists as well. You search for an image that will work well with your caption and call-to-action and then you download the image. 


When you find an image that works well and generates leads you should use this image regularly to save you time. We are keen at Produce Your Podcast to use materials that work again and again. Repurpose and reuse what is successful for the best chance of success.



Canva is a free graphic design software that can help you produce a variety of graphics. You can upload a photo, use it to create specific marketing materials, and then use their templates. For example, you can select a Facebook post article, include your image, and add text.


Make sure you’re not using AI-generated content. You don’t want to use AI-generated images as Google will penalize you by up to 40%. You can select a filter when searching for images on Canva to reduce the number of AI-generated appearing.



IStock is another option for photos. You will need to purchase images but they do offer some great advantages such as exclusive artists and licensing reassurance. 


FAQs: Top Tips for Creating SEO-Optimized Images


What's a great SEO-optimized image tip?


You can use modern professional photos to produce some great-looking graphics using free software.

How Do I Reach Out for Content Writing?


You need to include a call-to-action in your shows and on your marketing material to encourage listeners to engage with you.

What’s a Great Tip for Podcast Marketing?


Use a call-to-action in each episode and then include this in your marketing materials.


Final Word: Top Tips for Creating SEO-Optimized Images


You must use effective content-writing tools to help grow your podcast. You can try various combinations of text and images to market your podcast and when you find a template that works well you can then use this and repurpose it. This can help you save time and reach a larger audience. 


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-What are podcasts?    -How do I find podcast clients?  -How much does it cost to start a podcast management company?  -What should my rates be?

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