3 Must-Have Social Media Marketing Recommendations

Social media marketing is a critical part of any business’s success. Whether it is for your own business, or you’re managing the social profiles of your clients, you need to be organized to ensure your time is being effectively utilized while delivering amazing content for the brand. To help you, there are three must-haves for social media marketing. In this article, we’ll list them and explain why you need them.

Organized Google Files


Whether you’re managing just one highly active client, or multiple clients, an organized Google file system on Drive is essential. Each document, media asset, or note that is placed in these files should be labeled accurately to ensure there is no mixup between clients.


You can also add multiple files within files so you can keep unedited assets or past assets separate to prevent them from being used twice or incorrectly. Having a simple, but organized digital filing system can prevent time-wasting and assets going missing.


It can also help when repurposing content, to help you get the most from the same assets, and save time and money.


And with these assets, it is highly recommended to back them up.


A Social Media Calendar


Something that’s required by all content managers, whether you’re offering social media management or just podcast management services is a social media calendar. You don’t need to invest in an expensive calendar to make this work, a Google Sheets or Excel spreadsheet will work.


Each tab could be a client’s plan for the month, which should include a social media caption, relevant hashtag, date of publication, etc.


This tool not only offers reassurance over what is required, but it also helps to keep the client and you aligned with the content being published. So if they want to push out a particular product/service/keyword, you know what you’ve got to do.


A Social Media Marketing Platform


The final must-have for any social media marketing manager is to have a management platform. 

These tools allow you to upload, schedule, and publish content without accessing all the different platforms individually.


At Podcast Management Academy, we currently use Loomly. Using this tool, we can cut down the time it takes to publish content across multiple platforms, plus we can work in advance, often being ahead of the publishing schedule by two weeks.


Being ahead of the schedule prevents common social media mistakes, such as:


  • Having spelling mistakes in the content.
  • Using the same assets too close together.
  • Using the wrong assets on the wrong client.
  • Forgetting to publish content on one platform.
  • Missing critical days.
  • Misalignment between the larger strategic goals and the social media content.



Should I offer social media marketing services as well as podcast management services?


It is entirely up to you and whether or not you feel you have the skills to offer this. But to boost your revenues, social media marketing aligned with podcast management can be a lucrative business expansion.


Can I charge clients for the use of premium software?


All premium software should be paid generally by you. However, these costs should be factored into your fees and you should spread them out between clients.


How long should I spend on social media per day?


There is no set rule for how much time you should be on social media per day for your business. 

Estimates from experts state between 15 minutes per day per platform to 1.5 hours per day.


Final Word: 3 Must-Have Social Media Marketing Recommendations


The three must-have social media marketing recommendations to help you be more productive and offer a better service aren’t expensive or complicated. But they will make management of your business and clients’ social media so much easier.


The Podcast Management Academy covers everything you need to know, do, be, and have, to start attracting clients and selling your services as a podcast manager. You will learn every skill, strategy, and mindset hack to achieve your ideal lifestyle of freedom and balance while working from home. The Podcast Management Academy adds value and credibility to your business and enables you to charge higher rates, positioning you for success.

-What are podcasts?    -How do I find podcast clients?  -How much does it cost to start a podcast management company?  -What should my rates be?

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