Common Myths of Podcast Management

Common Myths of Podcast Management

Being a podcast manager is such an exciting business, but what skills do you need to be successful? One of the most common podcast management myths is that you have to be able to do everything, to be an expert in all aspects of podcast management.


But, here’s the secret - You don’t have to be able to do everything!


Podcast Management Myths


When running a business, you have a niche, your expertise. This is what helps your business stand out from the crowd. It's what drives your success and your growth. However, if you don’t have graphic design skills, you hire a graphic designer to design your logo. If you’re not great at finances, you might purchase financial software to help you or hire an accountant. 


You also don't need to be a marketing expert or an audio engineer to be a podcast manager, this is just one of the podcast management myths you might hear. 


Working With Your Clients


Part of your role as a podcast manager is to help your clients turn their passion, skills, and expertise into a podcast. Podcast management myths can also put people off from starting a podcast show. As a manager, your experiences will shape how you set up and market your podcast management agency, so you should focus on those fantastic skills you bring to the process and then demonstrate how you will fill gaps in your skill set.


How To Bust Common Podcast Management Myths


The podcast and podcast management industry is a supportive and exciting industry to work in. Often podcasters and managers have great social skills and can connect with others. It doesn't have to be competitive - it's wonderful to see podcasters supporting each other and championing each other's successes. 


Collaborating with other podcasters, managers, and business experts can help you fill the gaps in your knowledge as you can learn from them and then have recommended experts that you can direct your clients to. This way you can focus on your specialist skills and the niche in podcast management that you fulfill.


You can foster and grow your specialty in podcast management. It could be PR skills reaching out to guests and helping our clients, increasing their visibility to develop their show in that way. You might have a background in coaching and be able to organize your clients and support them through their podcast development.  


FAQs: Common Myths of Podcast Management


What Are Common Myths of Podcast Management


A good podcast manager doesn’t have to be an expert in all areas of podcast management. It’s one of the common myths of podcast management that you have to be able to do everything.


Where Do I Find Experts to Support My Clients?


Networking is a great way to find experts that you can recommend to your clients to help them produce a high-quality and professional podcast.


How Do I Demonstrate My Skills?


Your expertise and the reason why you want to become a podcast manager will help you 

determine your niche. Perhaps you're a PR expert who’s great at networking or a coach who can direct your clients. Make this the focus.


Final Word: Common Myths of Podcast Management


You want to have a wide skill set to be a podcast manager, but you don’t have to be an expert at everything. So, you'll want to have a love for podcasting and have some skills in business management. You will want to be able to support your clients and help them grow, but much like anyone who runs a business, if you’re not an expert at everything, that’s ok! You can reach out to other trusted professionals and tap into their skill sets.


The Podcast Management Academy covers everything you need to know, do, be, and have, to start attracting clients and selling your services as a podcast manager. You will learn every skill, strategy, and mindset hack to achieve your ideal lifestyle of freedom and balance while working from home. The Podcast Management Academy adds value and credibility to your business and enables you to charge higher rates, positioning you for success.

-What are podcasts?    -How do I find podcast clients?  -How much does it cost to start a podcast management company?  -What should my rates be?

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