How to Track your Time Spent per Client

When you work as a podcast manager you need to track your time efficiently and allocate time fairly between clients, ensuring you're fulfilling all their tasks. Tracking your client's work is important whether you invoice at a flat rate or by hour. 


As a representative of your client's business when you work for them, perhaps producing their show notes, you want them to know that you have put in 100% for them as their success is your success. Keeping an eye on the time spent on each task is a great way to do this.


What Should I Use for Time Tracking Clients?


You could use a basic spreadsheet to track time spent on each client. This works well if you have a routine for your work. You might want to consider using software designed specifically for tracking project work with clients.


You can also use Toggl to track your time spent on each client. This is where you track how much time you spend on each podcast so you can ensure that you spend equal time on each client and also make sure your work and time are cost-effective.


The software is easy to use and intuitive. You can log an activity for a client, describe what you're doing, assign it to a client, and then record the time spent on each activity. You can break the work down to be as specific as you like.


This software is a great way to manage your time and can also help you to know what you need to bill for a client. You can go back and make amendments, so if you started at a particular time you can go back and add this in. You can open up a file to include details of what you’ve been working on.


You can also bring up a report to tell you how much time you’ve spent on each client. You can use this to create a report or an invoice. Either way, whether you bill at a flat rate or by the hour you’ll want to find a great way to monitor the time spent on each podcast.


FAQs: How to Track your Time Spent per Client


How should I track time spent on my Clients?


You could use a basic spreadsheet, or you can use software like Toggl which has lots of additional features such as being able to produce invoices, etc.


Do I need to pay to use Toggl?


There is a free version, but you can pay for additional features.


What else can I do with Toggl?


Toggl is great for analyzing how much time you spend on each client.


Final Word: How to Track your Time Spent per Client


It’s a good idea to track time spent with each client, especially if you bill your clients by hour, but even with a flat rate fee, you should still track your work. Time tracking is also helpful if you’re managing several podcast hosts and you want to make sure you are spending equal amounts of time with each client. 


You can also see if you're spending too much time on one task over another. You can use a spreadsheet or software such as Toggl Track to help you manage your time, projects, and clients with ease!


The Podcast Management Academy covers everything you need to know, do, be, and have, to start attracting clients and selling your services as a podcast manager. You will learn every skill, strategy, and mindset hack to achieve your ideal lifestyle of freedom and balance while working from home. The Podcast Management Academy adds value and credibility to your business and enables you to charge higher rates, positioning you for success.

-What are podcasts?    -How do I find podcast clients?  -How much does it cost to start a podcast management company?  -What should my rates be?

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